Technopoly Industrial Empire Best Guide 2022 | How to Become A Construction Management Tycoon

Do you wish to know How to Become A Construction Management Tycoon in the Technopoly Industrial Empire game?

If yes, our exclusive and effective Technopoly Industrial Empire Tips, Tricks and Strategies are all that you need! 

Technopoly Industrial Empire is one of the notable names in the list of passive supply management games.

It was created as well as launched by RSGapps. Although it is pretty easy to grasp and learn the gameplay of the Technopoly Industrial Empire, the complication starts when you go on to start making money.

Having an optimization-hungry human brain, you will be tempted to make as great amounts as possible. And well, that’s only justified. 

The most exciting part is that the numbers truly start rising just a few hours after you begin with the game! 

The player is going to make a sufficient amount of money to generate the GDP of not only the United States but also the three complete continents of America, Asia, and Europe put together! 

Now, all that a player needs to get them started on this terrific adventure is some Technopoly Industrial Empire Tips, Tricks and Strategies.

These will not only help you understand the basic gameplay but some other crucial aspects of the game as well.

If you are also looking for the answer to “How to Become A Construction Management Tycoon”, our Technopoly: Industrial Empire Beginner’s Guide has got you covered! 

So without further ado, let’s get started.  

Technopoly: Industrial Empire Beginner’s Guide 

As mentioned earlier, Technopoly Industrial Empire features simple and easy-to-understand gameplay.

This comes as a bit of a surprise, especially because the premise is rather a very confusing and complicated aspect of the real world.

There’s a lot that goes into constructing a supply chain management system to give rise to the desired end product. 

In the game, you will be provided with a piece of land where you can build. The thing is that you will need to position buildings here in such a manner that you can make as much money as possible.

You can consider linking islands with bridges or roads which would further link buildings to some prominent junctions which offer them leads. 

Every building here produces reserves that other developed and successful buildings will need to work.

While it all sounds very decent and simple, you are going to get baffled when you try to put it all together, perfectly. 

Moreover, it would be safe to say that all of this resembles a pretty simplified, yet true picture of how supply management works in the real world. 

Building all the great systems, gathering all the resources, preparing the pipeline, etc.: all of this leads to just one thing, your end product!

Hopefully, this will make you realise the amount of great effort that goes into creating the mobile phone that you are currently reading this on. 

Well, now that you have been well-acquainted with the Technopoly Industrial Empire game and what all it is about, we can proceed with our Technopoly: Industrial Empire Beginner’s Guide. 

Here’s what you need to know: 

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How to Become A Construction Management Tycoon in Technopoly Industrial Empire


As you would know, roads play a primary and crucial role in supply management.

To transport supplies and products to different places, roads are essential in both the real world as well as the Technopoly Industrial Empire game. 

All the buildings should be located within a specific range of the road tile that is linked to the main structure of the island.

This distance is generally two tiles, however, in the case of the Wind Turbine, it is three tiles. It is worth mentioning that the road tile per se doesn’t generate any revenue or supplies. 

Moreover, the gigantic Headquarters system that you unlock on all the islands should be linked with each other through roads. 

Here are some tips to help you in the management of roads in the Technopoly Industrial Empire: 

  • Position the roads as well as the structures in such a manner that you consume a very minimal area and earn maximum profit. Apart from this, thoroughly consider the different kinds of terrain and choose the one that you wish to get. 
  • Gold Coins, in the Technopoly Industrial Empire, are largely required for constructing bridges. You can earn them through quests. Moreover, it will cost you less to purchase a pack of ten bridge tiles instead of purchasing one at a time. You can quickly and easily purchase the majority of other items through ads so there’s no point wasting your coins here. You may also use them for purchasing Science, however, try to leave that for later stages of the game. 
  • You can also sell off the bridges if you want to. As soon as you do, they are going to come back to the inventory. Moreover, you will also be able to use the tiles of this bridge elsewhere. 
  • Now coming to the Bridge Shenanigans, sub islands are a distinct aspect of the game, unlike the main islands. These sub islands are constructed in such a manner that when you take the path of the quickest bridge, you will need to set additional roads on that particular sub island. 
  • Our last tip for managing roads in the Technopoly Industrial Empire is to keep a regular check on the in-game HQ Roads. Make sure that every Headquarter building is linked to each other wherever possible. You may end up missing out on this because there would be no warning when the islands aren’t connected. So it is your responsibility to ensure everything is right when it comes to HQ Roads. 


Every structure in the Technopoly Industrial Empire needs resources for maintenance. You first begin with the Wind Turbine for generating electricity.

Then you move on to water towers, as well as solar panels and farms. This keeps on continuing until you arrive at your main objective in the game- the construction of a brand new, shining electric car! 

To manage your supplies efficiently, here are a few tips: 

  • Soon into the game, you will have to consider replacing the Wind Turbine with the in-game Water Towers.
  • This is because solar panels will now be your central electricity source and as you would know, solar panels need water.
  • Moreover, apart from the Wind Turbine, there are just Water towers that don’t have any maintenance costs.
  • The combination of water towers and solar panels also generates a greater amount of power as compared to the Wind Turbine. 
  • Every time you unblock a new island, you will be able to see a gigantic structure of Headquarters.
  • They have two different functions: the first is acting as a crossroads for the roads and the second is to help you in upgrading your resources.
  • You will be able to make the payment for such upgrades by using Money as well. Moreover, boosts in the game are adequately substantial so you can go on to ignore them. 

You can consider boosting the generation of a specific resource or decreasing the number of that specific resource that most structures use.

Nonetheless, the outcome is going to be the same both ways.

There will supposedly be a greater amount of resources for you to spare and you will be able to give rise to new buildings.

You will also be eliminating the old ones that were unnecessary so that there is adequate space available. 

You must always try to stay regular with these upgrades.

This is especially recommended for times when you have consumed the majority of tiles in a specific space and you wish to expand.

Moreover, it is a crucial aspect specifically for Water as well as Electricity. 

  • If you aren’t utilizing all your resources, it means you are certainly going wrong. It is a waste of not only the resources but also your true potential.
  • If there is excess Timber or anything else just lying around in front of you, you must realise what a waste it is.
  • In such cases, you shouldn’t think twice before eliminating a few of the buildings that are producing that particular abundant resource. Apart from this, you should also use the maximum space for the island possible. 
  • In case you have some unused or excessive bridge tiles with you, you can consider using them to build temporary bridges.
  • This is much better than seeing them all stored up unnecessarily in the inventory. The bridge will anyway come to use as a means to reach a sub-island. 

These were some basic tips about the game that will help you in managing your supplies as well as roads in the game.

Apart from these, we have some more Technopoly Industrial Empire Tips, Tricks and Strategies for you that will help you emerge as the Construction Management Tycoon in the game! 

Let’s have a closer look. 

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More Technopoly Industrial Empire Tips, Tricks and Strategies

Apart from ROADS, SUPPLY MANAGEMENT, and efficient usage of space, there are some more Technopoly Industrial Empire Tips, Tricks and Strategies that you would want to know.

It is crucial to understand how ads in the game work and what upgrades you need to avoid.

To help you understand all of this, the Technopoly Industrial Empire Tips, Tricks and Strategies are as follows: 

  • Your rewards in the game are calculated through your prevailing income. Any revenue boost like Lighthouse doubler plays a crucial role here.
  • You must always try to reap the full benefits of all the ads in the game. Always try to watch the available video ad of Lighthouse before you go on to collect treasures. 
  • There is an option to upgrade the Headquarters of Money Island. However, you must not purchase it and rather consider getting the income upgrade. 
  • There are times when you unlock a fresh structure but not the related Manager upgrade. In such a case, you will need to tap this structure every so often to generate the due amount of money.
  • It may feel like an annoying task to do but it’s nothing that bad. Just make sure that before you log off, you don’t leave any unmanaged building or structure standing. 
  • Efficient usage of space in the Technopoly Industrial Empire is crucial. Moreover, this is one strategy that you can never get out of your mind.
  • You should always try balancing between collecting a large number of tiles or probably building a lengthier road over undue tiles.
  • This way you won’t need to set roads on those tiles that you actually require. 
  • Having mentioned the importance of efficient space usage in the Technopoly Industrial Empire, there’s one tip that will help you go a long way!
  • So every time you unlock a fresh island in the game, consider spamming it with more Schools. Everyone wishes to get their hands on the Manager upgrade quickly and easily.
  • However, this demands the resources of Science and the generation of Science happens in School! 
  • So if you wish to have that upgrade, just spam your new region with Schools and expand the generation of Science through it.
  • After your upgrade is done, you can demolish all these Schools and build new and fancy buildings in their place instead. Now, this is what we call efficient space usage, isn’t it? 

And that was all about our Technopoly: Industrial Empire Beginner’s Guide and some effective strategies to considerably boost your gameplay! 


Technopoly Industrial Empire is a simple, interesting, and tricky game. If there’s something that one truly enjoys in the real world, it’s making money.

And when you have the chance to do so in your mobile game as well, it’s like a cherry on top.

The grind never stops and well, why should it? In such a case, some Technopoly Industrial Empire Tips, Tricks and Strategies can truly help you make the most of this game.

Our above-mentioned Technopoly Industrial Empire Beginner’s Guide will not only help you get started on this popular game but also boost your gameplay and gaming experience to a great extent!

So keep everything in mind and take off your journey in the Technopoly Industrial Empire. 

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Kartik is a 20-year-old who is pursuing BJMC. He’s himself a fan of the world of gaming, and his love for games, mixed with his writing skills is what attracted him towards becoming a blogger in this niche. Kartik thoroughly enjoys writing these articles and he hopes that you love reading them as much as you love playing these games!

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