Top Best Obey Me Characters List 2022

Obey Me Characters: Want to know about more about the top characters of the game Obey Me? If yes, then this article will provide you with all the details on the game and the top best characters of the game. 

Today in this article, we would provide you with all the details on the 12 handsome characters and about their unique features and their skill features so that you could wisely choose your characters based on your gaming style.

I am a professional content writer since 2012 and a gamer, I have been a big fan of the game Obey Me and its gameplay and therefore I wanted to guide on the characters of the game.

Obey Me All Characters List 2022

Obey Me is one of the role play game with the concept of romance in which the gamer will have the roleplay of a human exchange student in the underworld academy of Devildom.

In the game you have to solve the entangled relationship between the seven demon brothers and their peers by engaging in card based battles.

Therefore if you want to master the game than you must know which character you should put forward when you are in a card battle as every different characters have different set of skills.

There are 12 top ranked Obey Me characters and they are given below fom bottom ranked to the top ranked:

Obey Me Characters 2022

  • Luke
  • Simeon
  • Solomon
  • Diavolo
  • Belphegor
  • Barbatos
  • Satan
  • Beelzebub
  • Leviathan
  • Asmodeus
  • Mammon
  • Lucifer

Top List of All the Obey Me Characters

Let’s have a look in the detailed description of each of the top Obey Me characters of the Obey Me game and there styles. 


  • As the name suggest, he is the eldest of the seven demon brothers and is a very powerful demon of rank one.
  • Lucifer is the avatar of Pride. He also has other nicknames like Pridy McPrideface, The Morning Star and simon likes to call him Lucy.
  • His star is Gemini and his birthday is on June 6th. He likes Diavolo very much and like to spend time with him.
  • Therefore hates all the enemies of Diavolo. If you want to give him gifts which he likes than you may opt for Poison Apple, Poison, Book and Flowers.
  • His special quality is stick on the household togeather even if it is by using force.


  • He is the second ranked in the game and he is second eldest brother among the seven demon brothers after the top ranked Lucifer.
  • He is the avatar of Greed. His star is Virgo and his birthday is on September 10th. He wants to have all the money in the world with himself.
  • He is given to you at the beginning of the game and does not show any concern towards you but also has a soft spot towards you.
  • His only weakness is the witches. If you want to give him gifts which he likes than you may opt for Noodles, Manga and Game. He also has other nicknames like Idiot, Moron, Scumbag, Mam money etc.
  • Asmodeus: He is the third ranked demon in the game and is the fifth among the seven demon brothers. He is the avatar of Lust and is in the imagination that every person in the world adores him and is attracted to his beauty. He is very handsome and anybody would fall for him by only staring at his eyes and have many Asmo gatherings. His star is Taurus and his birthday is on May 15th. If you want to give him gifts which he likes than you may opt for Wicked Cupcake, Black Coffee of Melancholy, Flower, Perfume and Message Card. Even though he was known as Angel but he at present is known as Asmo and Lusty McLustface. 


  • He is the fourth ranked demon in the game and is the third oldest brother among the seven demon brothers and is considered to be one of the main players of the game.
  • His star is Aries and his birthday is on April 9th.He is the avatar of Envy. His only friend is his Goldfish Henry who is named after his favourite book’s character.
  • He does not like to interact with normal people and always like the internet. He spend his time by either watching animie or by playing games.
  • If you want to give him gifts which he likes than you may opt for Pizza, Game, Candy, Movie Ticket, Manga, Pocket Tissue, Books, and Medicine.  He also has other nicknames like Mr Dark and Moody.


  • He is the fifth ranked demon in the game and is the Sixth oldest brother among the seven demon brothers.
  • He is the avatar of Gluttony. He only likes to eat and therefore his concentration is mostly on eating and due to which he falls into trouble most of the time.
  • He however loves his younger brother Belphegor and feels a sense of responsibility towards him. His star is Pisces and his birthday is on March 11th.
  • If you want to give him gifts which he likes than you may opt for Human world Cheeseburger, Movie Ticket and Pocket Tissue. He was formerly known as angel but now known as Beel. 


  • He is the Sixth ranked demon in the game and is the fourth oldest brother among the seven demon brothers but his looks can deceive us to believe him to be the youngest.
  • He is the avatar of Wrath. He is mostly rational towards you and also frank but if you would poke him and make him anger than you may better run for your life as he is unforgivable.
  • His worst enemy is the Lucifer and is always rebellious to him. He loves animals especially cats. His star is Libra and his birthday is on October 20th.
  • If you want to give him gifts which he likes than you may opt for Books, Apple Pie and Message Card. He is also known as Wrathy McWrathface. 


  • He is among top buttler and is the greatest pastry chef among the three worlds. His most important feature is that he is very loyal and kind.
  • He loves to share his treats with others also his recipes so that others could also make such great food. Barbatos also has other nicknames like Diavolo’s Butler and Greatest Pastry Chef. His star is Leo and his birthday is on August 22nd.
  • By looking at his clothes also you can tell about his profession that of a butler and he is very serious about it.
  • If you want to give him gifts which he likes than you may opt for Message Card, a Pocket tissue, and Madam Scream’s Macrons. 


  • He is the eight ranked demon in the game and is the youngest brother among the seven demon brothers. He is the avatar of Sloth.
  • He is the most naughtiest and cunning among the demon brothers and as by his name he loves to take nap and is Beezlebub’s sleepy twin.
  • He hates Diavolo. He is loved his brother Beezlebub and Beezlebub feels a sense of responsibility towards him.
  • His star is Pisces and his birthday is on March 11th same as that of Beezlebub. If you want to give him gifts which he likes than you may opt for Family Pack Sushi, Poison, Books, and a Movie Ticket. He is also known as Belphie. 


  • He is the son of the Demon King who is considered to be the most powerful beast in the Devildom. Diavolo’s most unique feature is his calm and compassionate behaviour despite being the future king of the Devildom, he is kind to others.
  • He can also say whether someone is telling the truth or not and thereby many fears him. He loves Barbatos tea and snacks.
  • His star is Scorpio and his birthday is on October 31st. If you want to give him gifts which he likes than you may opt for flowers, books, Manga, Barbatos’ Tea, Movie Ticket, Game and Message Card.
  • He is also known as Lord Diavolo, and The Future King of the Devildom.


  • He is the only human character in the entire game. He loves cooking for other demons and his friends but is not aware that nobody likes his food.
  • He hates someone if they cheat during the game. His star is Sagittarius and his birthday is on December 9th.
  • If you want to give him gifts which he likes than you may opt for unidentified matter, Book and Perfume. 


  • He is the male angel in the game who is representing the Celestial realm. His star is Aquarius and his birthday is on February 10th.
  • If you want to give him gifts which he likes than you may opt for Book, a Game, a movie ticket and Paradise Blue.
  • His unique feature is that he is very kind towards everyone and is compassionate but does not know anything about technology. 


  • He is also a male angel in the game and also a representative of Celestial Realm. His star is Cancer and his birthday is on July 15th.
  • If you want to give him gifts which he likes than you may opt for Flowers, Message Card and Barbatos Signature Cake.
  • He envy Lucifer and also dislikes tomatoes and ketchup. He signals other characters and warns them of demons.

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Final Words

In this article we have given the detailed description of the Obey Me characters as per their rank and their efficiency.

Therefore this will help you to choose your cards wisely and win the battle.

If you have any questions regarding the game, you may put forth the same in the comment section so that we can clear you doubts.


How do you download the app?

The app can be downloaded from the official website of the developers and for android mobiles, you may download the app from the Play Store.

Also you can download the games in your I Phones from the Apple Store.

Sharing Is Caring:

Kartik is a 20-year-old who is pursuing BJMC. He’s himself a fan of the world of gaming, and his love for games, mixed with his writing skills is what attracted him towards becoming a blogger in this niche. Kartik thoroughly enjoys writing these articles and he hopes that you love reading them as much as you love playing these games!

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