Global City Build and Harvest are one of those rare games that aim to provide the players with as much liberty as possible.
There aren’t any strict rules that need you to play in a certain way.
Instead, you are the one in charge when it comes to creating your metropolis.
Once you have grasped the basic elements of the game and you know what you essentially need to do, the game is no less than a breeze for you!
In the general sense, you will be provided with a fixed set of tasks that you would wish to complete independently.
All this while, you will always have the choice of following the suggested path by the game as well.
Nonetheless, it is not all simple and direct. A lot of things go into building a metropolis in Global City Build and Harvest.
And especially if you are just starting with the game, things may feel a little tricky and intimidating.
But you don’t need to worry because we have got you covered!
To help you in understanding the basic elements of the game, we are here with our exclusive Global City Mobile Game Beginner’s Guide.
In this article, we are also going to enlighten you on some of the best strategies to turn your city into a thriving megapolis in this feature-rich game.
So let’s not make you wait any longer and dive right into our best Global City Mobile Game Beginner’s Guide.
Global City Mobile Game Beginner’s Guide
Well, building a prosperous town from scratch is easier said than done.
Just like in the real world, tons of things are taken into account before the work even starts.
A lot of things need to be planned and eventually, implemented.
It isn’t a very straightforward task to go about obtaining numerous kinds of resources and constructing different buildings for a metropolis.
Especially if you are relatively new to the game, things may get a little rough in the beginning.
Global City Build and Harvest is a game that boasts a few advanced concepts that will demand you to have a considerable amount of prior knowledge related to them.
The unfortunate part is that the tutorial in the game doesn’t take you through any of these ‘advanced’ concepts.
But you don’t need to worry because our Global City Mobile Game Beginner’s Guide has got you covered.
Below, we try to enlighten you on what exactly you are expected to do in Global City Build and Harvest along with all the crucial roles each sector plays in the game.
Let’s have a look:
- Buildings and Structures
When you are just starting with the Global City Build and Harvest game, the most crucial element to understand is the in-game buildings as well as structures.
Both these elements play quite distinct roles when it comes to the gameplay of Global City Build and Harvest.
The decorations here carry great significance too as they indirectly lend a hand in making your metropolis flourish.
Players will be able to take a look at different categories by tapping on the tab named constriction.
Once there, you will be able to check out various sorts of buildings.
We suggest that you try out the game for a while to see if you will be able to build them all rightfully and efficiently.
There isn’t such a thing as a better or bad category when it comes to buildings in Global City Build and Harvest.
As you move forward in the game, the game is essentially going to compel you to establish a set of buildings that will help you in growing your metropolis.
For instance, residential buildings in Global City Build and Harvest are pretty crucial for increasing the population of your metropolis.
It is worth mentioning that the population of your city plays a key role in helping you create greater commercial buildings in the game.
Just like that, in terms of resources, water, as well as electricity, are two of the most vital resources.
Having said that, your town is constantly going to come to you for these resources if you keep placing more buildings in the town.
- Levelling Up
Just like any other mobile game, another crucial aspect of Global City Build and Harvest is levelling up and progressing in the game.
Every time you level up in this game, you are going to be provided with cash.
For those who don’t know, cash in Global City Build and Harvest is the premium currency of the game.
Players will be able to use this currency for unlocking some extra slots or purchasing some vital elements in the later stages of the game.
Nonetheless, the primary reason why leveling up is such a big deal in Global City Build and Harvest is because it leads you to a fresh set of structures as well as facilities in the game.
When it comes to gaining experience, there are barely a few ways to do so.
These include finishing off missions, constructing more buildings, expanding your map, as well as upgrading your buildings.
In the true sense, gaining experience in Global City Build and Harvest is a gradual process that takes a little time.
Nevertheless, if you are someone who enjoys following lots of quests in the games, there is a high chance for you to attain plenty of levels much quicker and easier.
It is alright even if levelling up quickly is your main objective in the game.
Eventually, your end goal is always going to be constructing more buildings as well as collecting more resources.
- Resources
Resources in Global City Build and Harvest refer to certain elements in the game that are crucial for constructing as well as upgrading your buildings.
In general, you will come across two different kinds of resources in the game. These include raw materials as well as material components.
Raw materials in Global City Build and Harvest are those resources that are obtained in their respective facilities. For instance, wood, ore, and sand.
On the other hand, material components refer to those resources that are generally produced in factories with the help of raw materials themselves.
Material components include glass, metal, cement, bricks, etc. In the general sense, material components take a little while to construct or collect.
However, probably the toughest aspect of Global City Build and Harvest is the construction and cultivation of resources at all times.
This is because the player is only provided with a handful of slots in the game so they will only be able to harvest a restricted number of these at once.
It may get a bit inconvenient and troublesome for the players, especially those who don’t wish to spend so much time logging in and out of the game.
However, in our opinion, the best way to do such tasks is to do them continuously.
This will help you in developing your metropolis at a much faster pace and making it flourish with great ease.
- Tasks and Missions
Tasks and missions in Global City Build and Harvest play a significant role in guiding you to complete a set number of tasks.
These tasks will help you in the overall betterment of your metropolis and hence, we strongly suggest you accomplish them whenever you are provided with them.
Although players will always have the option to dismiss these tasks, this will lead to a significant loss of some amazing rewards.
So the game goes in the same direction as you choose to take it.
Eventually, players will anyway end up finishing off one of these tasks or missions in the end.
Even if you didn’t choose to go ahead with these tasks, they often get fulfilled owing to their alignment with general actions in the game.
The primary purpose of these tasks and missions in Global City Build and Harvest is to provide you with some significantly great rewards.
We can’t think of any other reason that would urge you to go ahead with them as Global City Build and Harvest don’t feature a storyline of any kind.
Finishing off these quests doesn’t unlock any extra structures for you in the game as well.
However, if your goal is to level up as fast as possible, these tasks and missions are the way to do so!
Completing these tasks is probably the most efficient way to level up in Global City Build and Harvest with great ease.
Remember that you also have the option to dismiss a few tasks in the game if you may please.
They will always be refreshed and replaced with new tasks every time you complete another task in the game.
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- Expansion
Last but not least, expansion in Global City Build and Harvest plays a critical role as well.
When it comes to any town management game for that matter, expansion becomes very crucial.
It helps the player in including a greater number of buildings as well as structures in their metropolis which are vital for its growth and advancement.
The majority of other games will need you to buy expansion slots for yourself which cost an absurd amount of premium currency in the game.
However, the Global City Build and Harvest game provides the players with a much more interesting way to do so which doesn’t even cost you any unnecessary bucks.
The only elements that you will be required to expand in Global City Build and Harvest include the use of resources as well as some special articles that are obtained through shipping.
It is worth mentioning that any article that has been obtained through shipment is random which makes it a bit hard to attain.
Nonetheless, Global City Build and Harvest features a special system of Global Market.
This system is equivalent to the feature of the auction house as you may have come across in other MMORPGs.
Through Global Market, players will be able to purchase as well as sell certain special items that they either collected to get access to gold or discard stuff out of the warehouse.
Our suggestion is to expand the territory regularly.
Although it may seem that you always have a sufficient amount of space with you and you can place many more buildings in your town, this isn’t always true.
Sooner or later, you are going to arrive at a time when you will be forced to have more space in your territory for establishing numerous buildings.
Tips and Tricks | Best strategies to turn your city into a thriving megapolis
Now that you have been made acquainted with the basic elements of Global City Build and Harvest, it’s time to look at some of our best strategies to turn your city into a thriving megapolis. Let’s have a look:
Completing City Projects
City Projects in Global City Build and Harvest essentially refer to those infrastructures in the game that are spread on the city outskirts.
These generally include airports, city halls, museums, railroads or any other.
As you arrive at a particular level in Global City Build and Harvest, these infrastructures are going to be upgraded as well.
As you may expect, each of these city projects has a unique function of its own.
They generally make use of material components as well as an exclusive blueprint for their construction and Upgradation.
If you wish the best for your city and its advancement, completing the establishment of these city projects is always a great thing to do.
It may be a little challenging, however, when you look at the benefits, it all seems to be worth it.
Spending the cash
As mentioned earlier, cash in Global City Build and Harvest is the game’s premium currency.
However, players will easily be able to collect it simply by leveling up or watching a few video advertisements in the game.
For all the F2P players, we understand how spending this premium currency may be a very hard choice as they wouldn’t want to give up on the minimal resource that they may need later in the game.
Regardless, we must mention to you that if you don’t spend much cash in the game, this is going to result in a considerable loss of your efficiency in Global City Build and Harvest.
Hence, it would be in your best interest to consume your cash and the most efficient way to do so would be by purchasing some extra slots for collecting raw materials in the game.
Expanding the Warehouse
Not being left with sufficient space to place all your necessary items is one of the nightmares you may have to deal with in this game.
You may have produced these items with so much interest and it would all go to waste if there isn’t any space to deposit them.
By going to waste, we literally mean going to waste as in such a situation, players will need to sell their items off.
Alternatively, you may also manufacture something through these extra raw materials that you have.
The most effective way of acquiring more elements in Global City Build and Harvest is by expanding the warehouse area first.
This will help you in getting access to a lot of vacant areas where you can manufacture goods or deposit things that you will most likely require later in the game.
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That brings us to the end of our Global City Mobile Game Beginner’s Guide.
We hope that you are now well aware of all the fundamental elements of the game and can kickstart your journey in the game with great ease!
To make the best of your gameplay, you must follow all the above-mentioned best strategies to turn your city into a thriving megapolis.
Global City Build and Harvest is a comprehensive, feature-rich game that provides the player with so much freedom.
So it would be in your best interest to make the best use of this freedom and use it to your advantage.
Complete as many missions as you can and keep expanding your territory at all times.
Amidst all of this, always keep your end goal in mind! We hope this Global City Mobile Game Beginner’s Guide was helpful for you. Have fun playing!